Active Ipswich - what moves you?!

Exercise has become more of a feature of life for some of us during the Corona virus pandemic.  It has allowed us a once-daily (and now more than once-daily) time outside.  We've discovered new areas to explore, fields and paths, streets and countryside that we might not have otherwise found. We've enjoyed more of nature - noticed the birds more, or smelt the flowers afresh (hasn't the lilac been wonderful recently?!), or seen the stars more clearly.  And we've been able to help ourselves keep active and fit during this period.

This collection of portrait photos was taken outside my house on Picton Avenue in Ipswich.  The pictures capture people out exercising, in whatever ways they were doing this - jogging, walking with family, exercising the dog . . . .  It aims to capture a small part of Ipswich life, and to encourage us all in our daily exercise.

So - please meet some people who are Active Ipswich!

Some of the photos were published in articles in the East Anglia Daily Times and Ipswich Star, and all of them were shown in their online article.

Rikta, with Tashi the dog, were out for a walk before Rikta went to play tennis.

Bonnie was out for a 3km run around the fields early in the morning to avoid the heat of the day.

Faye and her children were undertaking an hour's walk across the fields.  

Pam, Sophie and Marnie the dog do a regular hour's walk to keep the (very active!) Marnie happy!

Chris regularly walks dog Redge for 5-6Km in the fields.

Paulene alternates walking with gardening - both good exercise!

Tracy - the Suffolk Fairy Dogmother (!) was out walking a very well-behaved group of four-legged friends.

Jeff spends an hour walking the fields in the morning, and then walks in Christ Church park in the afternoon - when he tries to spot Mabel the owl.

Tom, Peta, Teddy and Julie were having a walk through the local fields which they discovered during the lockdown period.

Cad runs for her exercise - though had a bike with her here!

Mike gardens regularly - but as a photographer is also keen to record his horticultural successes!

OK - this is me! - I love a regular run in Christ Church Park or around local fields - a great time to get away from it all and keep fit.

Natasha was walking Woody - she regularly goes for a walk before work.

Paul enjoys running regularly and is looking forward to getting back to this once over a current injury - but in the meantime was out with his wife - having discovered the fields during the lockdown period for the first time.

Verity has a dog-walking business - she walks up to 18 dogs per day in the fields.

Cheryl was walking Marney in the fields - but has set up a Gruffalo trail with lots of Gruffalo characters for people to spot in her own street.

Jamie and Roxy were enjoying a walk in the fields - Jamie had initially thought of going elsewhere, but Roxy had other ideas!

Stuart and Leo were out for a morning walk - using the local fields or sometimes Christ Church Park.

Andrew and Sandy were doing a 4 mile walk through the fields, endeavouring to get to 10k steps on their fitbits.

Steve was out walking in the local fields, but sometimes runs as well.

David and Jasper regularly walk 5 miles or so in the fields or in Christ Church Park.

Caroline was out for a socially-distanced walk with friend Liz.  They have been regular walking partners for many years - a chance for exercise and a catch-up.

Ryan and Harley the dog were walking in the local fields.

David was out for a run through the local fields and roads.

Heather and Phil were enjoying a 3 mile run around local fields and roads.

James was walking Foxley and Yaffle - initially long walks around local fields, now a little shorter.

Hazel and Peter try to do 10,000 steps per day. They discovered the local fields during the lockdown period.

Roger and Bev do a 6 mile daily walk around local fields or the park.

Bella and Milo were enjoying their walk with James around the fields.

Trevor tries to do 10,000 steps per day, and uses his walks to pray.

Maureen is an active runner and swimmer - but an injury means she's just walking at the moment - 'taking the long way round' to get exercise.

Jim was walking the local fields which he'd found for the first time during the lockdown period.

John was walking Mo around the fields.

Mark and Nicky were our for a 5km run around the fields.

Jack was walking 10km around local fields and villages.

Sally usually walks in the mornings, but came out today early evening after spending the afternoon gardening.

Anne and Bill were enjoying a walk around local fields.

Martin was taking Rango for a 20 minute run in the fields.

Christine and David were out enjoying the fields for a walk. 

Greg swims regularly with a group at Felixstowe, but was walking Roxy in the fields today.

Mike was out with Dexter - I caught them at the end of a very long walk, when Dexter at least was quite tired!

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