Using a photographer
If you're thinking of using a photographer but haven't used one before, you may have a variety of questions about working with a photographer and how to get the best from them. The short guides below give a few thoughts and hints on these things - you're welcome to download them. Comments and feedback on them are welcome (see my 'Contact' page).
I also take wedding photos. To help me prepare for the day, I send a questionnaire to the bride and groom - which can also help them think about their plans for their big day. You can download my current questionnaire in case it helps you plan a wedding!
Other things that might be useful . . .
If you'd like to develop your own photography skills, then do have a look at the Amazon e-book by James Lawrence 'Developing Your Craft' - a great book that covers technical aspects of the camera, exposure, etc, 'rules' of composition and methods of developing as a photographer. James is a good friend who leads photography tours as well as being a great workshop teacher.